One step can make the difference
One step can make the difference, un paso puede hacer la diferencia.Da un paso hacia adelante,lo que puedas,poco a poco que ese puede hacer la diferencia, sal al encuentro con la vida. Hay veces que la vida luce muy difícil y es complicado desenvolverse en ella, pero no te detengas,da un paso y luego otro,no importa que vayas lento, pero sigue, ya que un solo paso va a hacer la diferencia. Keep Walking.dont stop. Keep On walking, even when you stumble Keep On walking, even when you fall Keep On walking, even when you're nervous Keep On walking, even when you stall Keep On walking, the journey is a long one Keep On walking, lift your foot again Keep On walking, no one's gonna pull you Keep On walking, you have not reached the end Keep On walking, don't matter if you're tired Keep On walking, don't matter if you're lost Keep On walking, this is not a rehearsal Keep On walking, no matter what the cost Keep On walking, through the darkest midnigh...